The Chambered Nautilus
May through July 2015
‘The Chambered Nautilus: A Journey Into Sacred Geometry’ is an exquisite body of work by Rick Langer. This collection has evolved over the past few years as Rick traveled the world with camera and shells in hand, carting his precious cargo up mountains, down to seasides, creating his imagery with the likes of bristlecone pines – some of the oldest trees on earth; the volcanic lava fields of Hawaii; mosques in southern Spain and petroglyphs of the American southwest, to name a few.
The Chambered Nautilus is a living fossil that has survived in earth’s oceans for the last 500 million years. Its shell expands outward in a logarithmic spiral. As the animal grows, it builds new and larger chambers, and then seals off the old smaller ones. It uses this shell as a home and for buoyancy in swimming.
In the spirit of this exhibit we might travel around the world, or hone into the ‘Fibonacci sequences’ of these mysterious animals while partaking of the timeless energies we all seem to live by, the unwritten code of elemental design in our great cosmos, from the smallest atomic particles to breathtaking galaxies!